The Silent Musician ~ Why Conducting Matters
Pause for Thought: For Mozart the pause is a simple device employed to perfection.
Pros and Cons: Is it possible to be both professional and amateur at the same time?
Joining Hands: Applause is an essential part of the concert experience
Heartfelt Memories: Conducting without the score can be liberating if approached in the right way.
A Composer’s Conduct: Should a conductor follow a composer’s manuscript or his recordings when interpreting a work?
Sing or Swim: a game for ruthless music-lovers
Disengagement rings: Phones, coughs… but is it our right to request silence?
A Matter of Opinion: At what point does following the composer’s instructions become ‘interpretation’?
Passport to play: How do national characteristics affect music-making?
Et Nova et Vetera: What makes some works more popular than others?
JBWICK: The requirements for leadership.
Room to breathe: The relationship between the concert-goer and the concert hall.